Mahila Mahavidyalaya Amravati

Nootan Vidarbha Shikshan Mandal's Amaravati

Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jog Chowk, Amravati

Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University. Amravati
Tq.Amravati Dist. Amravati 444601

Department Of Music

             Through the medium of music study circle guidance programme by various noted music experts are orgnised time to time. The department conducts various programmes in the Amravati city to provide platform to the students. Students are prepared for music competitions and radio auditions.

  • The department orgnised yoga classes on every Saturday for the good health of the students.

  • Our ‘Maifil’ an innovation project is run by the department. Students from each class sing in this project because of which both the purposes of stage courage and recitation are solved. Prizes are distributed to the best performers.

  • Prayer session is also conducted to keep mental health along with physical health.