Mahila Mahavidyalaya Amravati

Nootan Vidarbha Shikshan Mandal's Amaravati

Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jog Chowk, Amravati

Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University. Amravati
Tq.Amravati Dist. Amravati 444601

Governing Body

Sr.No. Name Designation
1. Dr. Mrs. Maya V. Shiralkar President
2. Dr. Shri. Subhash D. Kasbekar Sr. Vice President
3. Mr. Vishwanath D. Joshi Vice President
4. Pandit Shri Kishor V. Nawsalkar Vice President
5. Shri. Ninad W. Soman Secretary
7. Shri. Chandrakant G. Joshi Joint Secretary
8. Shri. Prakash R. Panse Mandal Representative
9. Shri. Ravindra G. Khandekar Mandal Representative
10. Dr. Avinash B. Moharil Head of the Institution
11. Prof. Shilmanju S. Gedam Head of the Institution
12. Mrs. Smita S. Kaloti Head of the Institution
13. Shri. Manoj V. Pathak Head of the Institution
14. Mrs. Jayshree S. Pande Teachers Representative
15. Shri. Sanjay V. Ramavat Teachers Representative