Seminar - This is one of the finest activity performed by junior college every year, students from each stream [Especially science] participated. Every Saturday decided for this activity. Students who gives seminar, giving it by a way of power point presentation [PPT] , thereby deal with modern and digital teaching. This activity built a confidence of stage daring which helpful them for their future.
Spectrum magazine - Another fascinating activity by English Tutor . A wall magazine which deals with English literatures written by students like poems, columns which help students to get familiar with English language and to enhance their dealing capacity with English language which assist them in curriculum examination as well as in competitive examination and for their future life too.
Colour and Designing Workshop – History of Art and Colour and Designing this is one of the rarest subject which taught in our institute only at junior college level such subject never been part of any other equivalent educational institute in Amravati region. Such subject has very much important aspect from girls point of view who have built their career in Fine Art . Apart from curriculum level such subject has different practical aspects, such things fulfilled by arranging Workshop and our institute arranged such workshop during academic year, which becomes fruitful for our students who have want their carrier in such subject.
Environment awareness Programme – This activity has not a special day, but it workout throughout the year, this include student awareness towards excess of water wasting , excess of electricity burning , garbage proper disposal management . Moreover we arranged an Environmental trip to enhance more and more awareness towards Environment.